dnews list
Baked beans, pasta, milk, tissues, biscuits

> The Delirious News List @ Spurious

Want to get all the latest delirious gossip delivered by hand straight into your inbox? Want a hassle free way to hear both the official news and the word on the grapevine? Then Spurious have got the answer for you - the dnews list.

Simply subscribe once and we at the Spurious News Network will keep you regularly updated on all the fresh d: goings on, plus a few little surprises every now and then.

> List-en up

Getting onto the dnews list couldn't be easier, just enter your address in the box below, and hit 'Subscribe'.

Alternatively, you can subscribe manually by sending an email to
in the subject line. You should get a confirmation of your subscription request within a few minutes.

> Spread the word

If you've got some delirious related news you think the world might want to know, email us with it here at news@spurious.org, and we'll include it in the next mail shot.

> Logoff (?)

Should you ever want to signoff the list, enter your email address into the box below, and hit 'Unsubscribe'.

Failing that, follow the same instructions as subscribing above, except put
in the subject line.

Change of Address

Should you want to change the address you are subscribed with, the process is simple. Just use the tools above to subscribe your new address, and then unsubscribe the old one. Easy dot Peasy.

> 'And finally...'

The dnews-list is a 'subscribe and receive' list only. If you have something you want to send to the list, send it to news@spurious.org and we'll send it for you. If you have technical problems then email mailmaster@spurious.org and we'll help you out.

Last, but not least, thanks go to Robin Coward for the original d:list. This list replaces Robin's (with his permission) as he no longer has the time to keep it going.