dnews Special Edition - IT'S OK #4
does it rock? yea baby, yea!

**** Contents ****
Mid-week Chart Position
Thatch’s Facts
Spurious? Predictions
Snippet from Stew
Forthcoming Media

**** Mid-week Chart Position ****
Delirious? are at number 12 in the mid-week UK Mainstream charts. Blimey.

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**** Thatch’s Facts ****
Unsure whether we will ever get the man to crack under the intensity of our
grilling, Spurious? has been investigating other options of how to make Jon
Thatcher, bassist with delirious?, finally split under nerd pressure. He’s
been coping admirably but the level of detail in the first question is
scarily nerdish. Watch it, fellah…

S?: Where exactly was it recorded?
JT: In a geography class room in a disused college just out side of Arundel,
West Sussex, England.
S? What do you personally like most about the song?
JT: I like the development in the song, the way it starts off as something
and turns into something else.

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**** Spurious? Predictions ****
With the mid-week chart position now revealed, we can cast our minds back to
dnews 19 where the Spurious? crew decided to put their metaphorical money
where their metaphorical mouths were and take a stab at the chart position
"It’s OK" will finally land out. To recap, Adam guessed number 12, Adrian
20, Mike "The Pessimist" Jones guessed 22 while Scooby used a cgi file to
randomly generate the number 8. Halfway through the week, the pressure is
beginning to show, for although I guessed exactly right, the single will
probably slip downwards. This means that Scooby is out of the running, while
Mike will probably be the wrong side of Adrian. That means it's between me
and Adrian. <Flexes muscle> And I'd rather it was me </flexes>.

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**** Snippet From Stew ****
~ At the Nottingham signing, the band had a bit of a chat with some
Spurious? friends, and I thought this was interesting...

Stew asked me what kind of stuff we talked about at the moment and I said we
were full of their appearances at the moment and then he said something
which I am deeply saddened by. He asked what I thought of the Big Breakfast
appearance as apparently they've already had a load of e- mails saying they
weren't Christian enough - or similiar stuff.

~ Which personally I think is terrible. The band were awesome on Big
Breakfast - particularly this gem from Stew:
Q: Why the question mark?
A: Because we've had three top 20 hits and still no-one's heard of us.

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**** Forthcoming Media ****
~ Videotech, ITV, Thursday 24th February
~ London Tonight, ITV, Thursday 24th February
Interview and performance
~ VH1, Thursday 24th February
Special interview and acoustic tracks
~ HMV Birmingham - 23rd Feb 4.30pm
~ Virgin Megastore - Oxford St London 6.30pm
~ HMV Guildford 25th Feb 4.30pm

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**** Music365.com ****
It's OK (Furious?)
Once those who loved Christ were inspired to build great cathedrals, or
create fabulous works of art, or murder thousands of innocents. Sadly
Delirious? (hate that question mark) praise our Lord by putting together a
reasonably inoffensive Radiohead copy. And, although they often protest that
despite filling big halls and shifting plenty of records, they're ignored by
the media, does anyone really think that a band sounding like an inferior
version of U2 circa 1985 would draw any audience at all if they weren't
evangelical Christians? Praise God by ignoring them. 2/5

~ A review of It's OK from music365.com.

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**** d:end? ****
Halfway through the week, and delirious? are right up there with the big
boys in the charts. Yesterday I said it was fun; it’s more than that now, it
’s positively exciting. Roll on Sunday.


Adam, Adrian, Mike, Scooby

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