come like you promise
and could you pick up a pint of milk on the way?

The real lyrics:
This is the incense that fills the earth

But I misheard them as:
This is the incest that fills the earth

The embarrassing moment of revelation:
On the mailing list - I thought originally that it had been cleverly turned around from good things ('this is the sound of the coming reign') to bad things in a very clever manner. But no. I was wrong.

Age when I realized how wrong I had been:

Misheard by:
Adam Kirkman

I am on special medication: yes


Also misheard by:
Claire Capon

The embarrassing moment of revelation:
The first I visited the Spurious site and decided to laugh at all the people (I did know I was one of them) who can't cope with the boys' southern accents.

Age when I realized how wrong I had been:

I am on special medication: yes


The real lyrics:
Come like you promised

But I misheard them as:
Come like Horrise

The embarrassing moment of revelation:
When I and another mate of his played it to him in front of the Pastor and he decided to sing along. Result Red Faced Pastor and Red Faced Ben.

Age when I realized how wrong I had been:

Misheard by:
Ben Watts

I am on special medication: yes
I am still convinced I'm right: yes