beautiful sun
pity today's so cloudy

The real lyrics:
To surround me with your song

But I misheard them as:
Till some lonely whales are slobs

The embarrassing moment of revelation:
When I checked the words because it didn't seem to go with the song.

Age when I realized how wrong I had been:

Misheard by:

I think my version is better than the original: yes
I am on special medication: yes
I have managed to convince others that my version is correct: yes


The real lyrics:
I know uncertainty, but truth lights the way

But I misheard them as:
I know uncertainty, but You fly over me

The embarrassing moment of revelation:
well, when I was listening, and the words 'truth' and 'You' sounded too different to be correct

Age when I realized how wrong I had been:

Misheard by:
Christina Nicole Sweikert

I have managed to convince others that my version is correct: yes